Friday, July 25, 2008


It was so mean of me to have spoken bad against him. I have spoken the most untruthful blasphemy against him and I felt stupid. I know that what I did was a camouflage - to hide the hidden meaning I have in him.

We were classmates since 2nd year. I never did manage to take recognize her then. Maybe it was because I was busy doing my nerd chores then; or maybe my andro hormones were not that excited as it is today.

Albeit and I became classmates again in 3rd year. This time was different. I had strong feelings for him already. I know; I'm a foolish homo. I wasn't loving him; I was lusting over him. I don't know what struck me over him. But perhaps, it's just that his charisma (just like how he makes the girls fall for him) has taken over me. He had full of sex appeal, great body, and an okay face. At that point, he was the subject of my jack-offs. I felt bad for my self.

I know that I could never take a bit of him - and I'll try not to intend on trying it.

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